Monday, March 14, 2016

Do Now 14 March 2016

          It was a pretty normal morning on that fateful day.  I woke up, got ready for work, walked outside, got in my car. I got to work, but when I walked inside and went to check in, I wasn't acknowledged.  So I stood there waiting for a while, but no one said anything or even looked at me.  I did one of those coughs, you know, the ones where you're trying to get someone's attention because they didn't notice you or are ignoring you.  One of the receptionists looked straight in my direction, made eye contact with me, and then looked away.  I looked into a mirror hanging on the wall and was perplexed when I didn't see myself.  It was that moment when I realized that I was invisible.
          I walked outside to the streets of the city.  I knew that with my new ability, I needed to fight for the forces of good, except, rather than fighting, I figured I could just scare and confuse criminals without actually using violence.  Across the street, I saw an elderly woman getting her purse stolen.  I walked up behind the man and grabbed the purse.  Never seeing a floating purse before, the man had no idea what to do and ran away screaming.  I handed the purse to the woman, who also ran away screaming.  I guess I really didn't think my plan through very well since she was also freaked out by her floating purse, but you can't win them all.   All day I helped people by scaring off criminals.  I went to sleep that night. When I woke up the next morning, I was ready to go help more people, but I was no longer invisible.

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